Ardy, a good friend of mine from office. An avid scuba diver. I got to know him when he was transferred in from one of the branches. Ardy and me, both hailed from the northern states, thus it was always easy communicating in the same dialect. A good friend, indeed. On 23rd May 2008, he took Shalizah's hand in marriage, at her house where the akad nikah ceremony was held.

It was a wonderful wedding, I have to say. I think they had really made a good effort in making sure that the wedding is great. Right from the start of the akad nikah ceremony until the wedding reception (held the day after the akad nikah) things were organised smoothly, at least from my point of view. Well, we don't go to weddings and stayed there for the whole day just to see if everything would turned out to be okay, right?

A nice pack of kueh baulu was given away as bunga telur. Photo of the couple was also nicely wrapped around mineral water bottles. This is the first time I'm seeing it done. Something quite creative, i think.

The pelamin was stunning. Brightly lit. Gold was the base colour and it blends well with the couple costume.

As my favourite food is nasi kenduri, I always have a concern in this area. Well, for food, the caterer is certainly not getting full marks from me. I think something is missing, I did not get to feel the real 'taste' of nasi kenduri. It was just not there.

I met his wife a couple of months ago when they turned up for the Cuba Scuba session that we had organized for the office staff. I still remember how Ardy had to convince her that it is easy to do scuba diving. Although she was scared; I think she cried and she swallowed the pool water a lot yet she managed to get through. They dived in together, to the deepest end of the pool, descending slowly, hand in hand. The only thing that may have crossed her mind at that time, probably, was that her life depends on him.
It is always about the strength that grows within, when your beloved keep on telling you that everything is going to be all right. It does’nt stop there though. Your ‘life’ depends on the existing of the other. And, the spirit of going through the obstacle of life together, will certainly keep their love alive.
As for me, my spirit subsided and I lost my will in the jouney of my Mahligai.